Friday, April 17, 2020

Secret of Greatness Essay Essay Example

Secret of Greatness Essay Paper Hard Work and Opportunity Gets You Further Than Natural Talent â€Å"Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the gifted person from the successful 1 is a batch of difficult work. † ? Stephen King. Hard work and dedication is what will acquire you to the top. A individual can hold all the endowments in the universe but that can merely acquire you so far. If you do non hold the thrust. finding. and dedication to win in whatever you do you will non win or suppress it as you would if you had put in the difficult work to acquire better. Endowment is overrated and overreacted. It is something that you are born with non something you have really worked toward. The quotation mark by Stephen King explains a batch it tells us that non merely is talent cheap or something that is non worked for but it tells us that it is given and besides it tells us what separates a gifted person from success is difficult work which is something non given at all. Hard work is something you have to desire for yourself and you have to travel after it with everything you have to win. Besides in the book â€Å"Outliers† it is said that working difficult and practising will acquire you further than sheer endowment and that if you pattern 10. 000 hours you will be first-class at your athletics or activity. The chief thing that I took from this was work ethic. because in order for you to be first-class at something or the best you have to hold a great work ethic which brings success. Take Tiger Forests for case. We will write a custom essay sample on Secret of Greatness Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Secret of Greatness Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Secret of Greatness Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He was a born victor right? Ever since Tiger was three old ages of age he had a golf nine in his custodies. He had competed many times and made a great impact at the professional degree. But Tiger may hold neer got to the professional degree if he had non worked. Ever since being a kid to an grownup he had worked toward his profession reviewing his accomplishment doing himself the jock he is today. At a immature age besides Tigers male parent had instilled Tiger with a great trade of subject which Tiger had carried with him as he worked toward his profession and devoted hours and hours into difficult work in dedication. Through his usage of subject and difficult work he had to refashion his swing twice but he knew in order to be the best he would hold to make so. A individual that works difficult is respected and looked up to because of the clip he or she devotes to be the best. A individual that takes endowment for granted and does non work hard is looked down upon. Endowment is som ething that people are born with but if you do non take the chance to acquire better so you will non be the best. Opportunity is such a large word because it gives you the opportunity to win or be the best when we talk about difficult work increasing your endowment. Michael Jordan which is one of the best hoops participants to of all time populate. but he may hold neer been the best participant to of all time populate if it was non for chance and difficult work. Michael Jordan was placed on the junior-varsity squad at Laney High school in Wilmington N. C from the deceit of his former manager Clifton â€Å"pop† Herring. Coach Herring had made this determination because most of the upperclassmen were guaranteed at that place get downing places on the varsity squad. At the clip underclassmen barely had played but Coach herring had made an exclusion for Michael`s fellow teammate Leroy Smith who had stood 6`7 and had made the varsity squad. Even though Michael did non do the Varsity squad he continued to ball out on his Junior Varsity squad and do the best of it. However Over the summer he gre w four inches taller and had worked hard toward his end to do his high school hoops squad. His junior twelvemonth. Michael had an chance to do the squad and non to give up on his end and that’s precisely what he did. Because of Jordan`s chance to endeavor for his end to be the best. he had gone on to be known as one of the best participants to of all time step upon the tribunal. I understand that people may state. â€Å"Well if the endowment is at that place. why should I work? † And that in some athleticss it is sort of about endowment more than work. but what I am reasoning is that difficult work and dedication will acquire you further than natural endowment does. The result of a gifted single wining more than the hardworking person in non every bit great as a hardworking single succeeding over a natural Born talented athlete or gifted person of any sort. In life you have to work hard to be at the top. Many people who sit back and rely on their natural abilities tend to pay the monetary value because they neer had that thrust. finding. and work ethic. Many jocks are gifted in many ways and have tonss of endowment but they tend to lose sight of what is of import and that is the difficult work that you put in. Many of us are faced with many battles in our lives but in order to get the better of our battles we have to be prepared to work hard and travel after what we want. Thingss in lif e are non traveling to be given to you and people that use their natural ability and neer work hard be given to see many battles because they have no readying to suppress the undertaking at manus. Take Bill Gates for case a money doing machine who started out every bit merely an intelligent. ambitious. and determined child that had been known as the smartest child on campus. Bill Gates endowment was his wide spectrum of cognition. As a child he was enrolled in a private school for his outstanding attempts in the schoolroom. Bill so was introduced to computing machines and began to take a immense involvement in engineering. Since so Bill had lived on computing machines. working on them and passing many strenuous hours reviewing his accomplishment. He so was put in a programmer`s group. they found a new manner to use their computing machine accomplishment at the University of Washington. In the following twelvemonth. they got their first chance in Information Sciences Inc. in which they were selected as coders. They were allowed free computing machine clip for exchange to work on a piece of package that could be used to automatize company paysheets. Bill had spent twenty to thir ty hours a hebdomad on computing machines or more. This chance got Bill prepared and made him even more focussed on his end in life. Bill had a endowment but it all goes back to his work ethic. He invariably worked difficult and set up tonss of hours in order to now be one of the richest work forces in America and he still is working and endeavoring for even more money. We can all be like Michael Jordan or Bill Gates but we have to acknowledge the chances which are given and take full advantage of each and every chance and utilize each chance to endeavor for better. Believing that difficult work will acquire you farther so natural endowment. Remembering that by working difficult and seting forth one hundred per centum in whatever you do you will be prepared and ready for what’s in your manner in front. By fixing yourself you will non hold to pay the monetary value of neglecting because of traveling off of natural born endowment all along. Remember no 1 looks up to a individual that doesn’t work for what God has given them. people look up to 1s that strive to be the best by seting in the blood. perspiration. and cryings to win at their ends. Work CitedColvin. Geoffrey. â€Å"Secret of Greatness. † 19 10 2006: n. page Golliver. Ben. â€Å"High school manager: I neer cut Michael Jordan. † CNN. Sports. 10 January2012. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. . Gladwell. Malcolm. Outliers. the Story of Success. Little. Brown A ; Company

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