Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Ieee Code Of Ethics First Rule Essay - 1997 Words

The IEEE Code of Ethics first rule is that engineers must make decisions consistent with the safety, health, and welfare of the public. The definition of safety or health can be unclear, especially for engineers when it comes to the medical device industry. In the medical device industry, the rapid increase of technology decreases the ability for regulations to keep up. When looking at job requirements for medical device engineers, one of the major requirements is to know the FDA guidelines on medical devices. The FDA guidelines are what engineers follow when it comes to designing. The FDA has its own goal to put products on the market that are safe and effective. The FDA, though, must also satisfy congressional goals which is for the public to get quick access to better medical devices. There are some faults found in the FDA guidelines, such as loopholes that industries take advantage of. The FDA has allowed â€Å"innovative but potentially defective devices† [1] to enter the market which may make the engineer who decided to pass the product question their decisions. This brings up a dilemma for engineers. Engineers in this industry face a moral issue on whether a design they produce balances safety and innovation. Engineers themselves must decide whether it is morally permissible to pass a design knowing the consequences and benefits it can bring to a patient. For an engineer to know if their design is morally permissible, the FDA guidelines, faulty medical device cases thatShow MoreRelatedCode of Ethics for Computer Professionals1134 Words   |  4 PagesMost professions have codes of ethics and for the same reasons computer professionals need a code of ethics. Professions that have been in existence for many more years than the information profession have had time to recognise their ethical responsibilities. 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